Kirk's blog

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Culture differences

I'll talk about the offensive things first, of course playing got your nose is a really bad idea. It is most places. Another really offensive thing to do is to tap someone else's shoe with yours, they'll get mad at you. Also don't let other people see the bottom of your shoe. So watch out! These next ones aren't offensive as much as they are superstitions, drinking cold water is really weird, they think drinking cold stuff is bad for your health, and it's not just water too, it's juice as well, ( not sure about milk)) but we drink warm juice sometimes. Whistling isn't offensive but they think you're blowing your soul out of your body or something, so they'll just look at you funny and tell you to stop. Also, it is bad luck to do anything between a doorway so be carefull when you offer your hand.

And that's about all I know.
Enjoy this picture of this lake we stopped at on our drive to sumy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

KIRK, you continue to be one of the two dearest people in Ukraine. Nicely done.