Kirk's blog

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

How to wake up early and love it.

Let me guess you're not a early person and never will be? FALSE!
Any one can become an early person. Being an early bird is awesome.There is nothing more unnattractive than a person who sleeps into the PM hours

There are many benefits to being a early person. Take for example this article by forbes.

When you wake up early you are taking advantage of everything while the world sleeps. The early morning hours are precious. They are prime hours for productivity. 

So how do you start the journey of becoming a morning person? Glad I asked. First pick your target waking up time. It will be helpful to take it slowly. go 15 minutes earlier every couple of days till you reach your goal. The first Morning is going to suck. I can promise you that. Follow the steps below.
  • It is important to go to bed on time. Pick a bed time and stick with it.Make sure to be in bed at your designated bedtime. If you stay up till 2 and expect to wake up at 6 you're going to lose every time. 
  • Put your electronics away at least an hour before your bed time. Yup, The TV, Computer, and phone. All of them. That bright little screen keeps your mind awake. 
  • What are you supposed to do without your electronics? Read a book. Not only is it good for you. it will make you sleepy. Or do Rosetta stone. That stuff can put you to sleep like no drug can.
  • No taking naps. Yup. You won't be able to go to bed if you sleep during the day.
  • Prepare for the morning the night before.

How to prepare for the morning

If you wake up at your designate time and have nothing to do but sleep, there is a very small chance you will stay awake. Make an agenda for you to accomplish when you wake up. Plane something exciting. Make a good breakfast. Put your alarm clock across the room. Your chances of success are much higher if you have to get out of bed to turn off your alarm clock. Make a morning routine. Go to bed looking forward to waking up in the morning.

Also, Don't eat three chicken breasts right before you go to bed.They will keep you awake.

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