Kirk's blog

Monday, November 24, 2014


I found the answer to life. There I was, very comfortable. Do you know what makes me comfortable? Playing video games, eating candy, sleeping in and watching movies. I know what makes me comfortable, I could be comfortable for the rest of my life.

However, unfortunately comfortable doesn't mean happy. So if being comfortable doesn't make me happy what does? being uncomfortable? Know what makes me uncomfortable? Things of value. Waking up early, Taking cold showers, Things of discipline make me uncomfortable. They also make me productive.

Don't sit in your harbor the rest of your life. You won't grow. Make it a priority to leave your comfort circle. Nothing good happens there, I can promise you that.

Find what makes you comfortable and avoid those things. Then, find what makes you uncomfortable and embrace those things. Face the fears of talking to other people or whatever it is you're afraid of. Boost your productivity. Make your comfortable uncomfortable and your uncomfortable comfortable.

Until next time, Kirk

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