Kirk's blog

Monday, November 24, 2014


I found the answer to life. There I was, very comfortable. Do you know what makes me comfortable? Playing video games, eating candy, sleeping in and watching movies. I know what makes me comfortable, I could be comfortable for the rest of my life.

However, unfortunately comfortable doesn't mean happy. So if being comfortable doesn't make me happy what does? being uncomfortable? Know what makes me uncomfortable? Things of value. Waking up early, Taking cold showers, Things of discipline make me uncomfortable. They also make me productive.

Don't sit in your harbor the rest of your life. You won't grow. Make it a priority to leave your comfort circle. Nothing good happens there, I can promise you that.

Find what makes you comfortable and avoid those things. Then, find what makes you uncomfortable and embrace those things. Face the fears of talking to other people or whatever it is you're afraid of. Boost your productivity. Make your comfortable uncomfortable and your uncomfortable comfortable.

Until next time, Kirk

Monday, November 10, 2014

How to be an aggressive walker.

In august of 2013 I went to Ukraine . One of the first things I noticed was that everyone walked really fast and aggressively. While I was there I picked up the art of how to be an aggressive walker.

Why would you want to be an aggressive walker?

There are many benefits to beings an AW.

  • You get to your destination faster.
  • you display dominance. 
  • You don't look like a confused dummy running into people. 
How do you become an AW?
The firsts step to walking aggressively is to walk fast. You need to speed walk.

Second, Walk with purpose and determination. Whenever you realize that you are going to walk into someone you pick which side you're going to go on and you stick with it no matter what. This works because you are taking the initiative and acting before the other person.

You are basically choosing which path you are going to take and then playing chicken with them.

When you get stuck behind slow people (and you will!) you take the first chance you can to get out. This can be tricky if you have a group of people if they're not aggressive walkers. It is kind of like walking in a minefield.

Occasionally you'll run into people who are are on their phones and not paying an ounce of attention, in which case you either let them walk into you and be embarrassed, or you have to make the decision of which way to go again. Both are unfortunate.

Once you start walking aggressively you will soon learn how great it really is. Remember, walk swiftly with purpose, with boldness and determination, and you can be an aggressive walker too!