Kirk's blog

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The lawn business

k I know this is long but please read it anyway.

5 years ago My 14 year old brother decided to create a lawn business with his friend Casey Christensen.

 He started charging his clients about $40 dollars a month ($10 a mowing job) Soon realizing that he had several younger brothers he could hire for Extremely little pay. I was then 9 and my younger brother Andrew was 7. Casey did not Like the idea of a 7 year old mowing the lawns for him and talked to David about it. David assured him that if he did anything wrong he would fix it. Pretty soon within the first year or two something happened to the partner ship between David and Casey and the split their business.(whether David was cheating him or something I do not know)

Paying  us $1 a lawn that we mowed we soon realized that it wasn't worth it. I started begging for a raise he then told me that he got more money because he started the business, he was the only one who could trim, and because the mowers were his. he told me he would give me a raise when I learned to trim so I started to trim in our backyard, when ever I would show him my (then not so good) trimming skills he would  tell me to try again later. soon enough we were tired of David bossing us around so we decided to quit unless we got a raise, David knowing that he couldn't afford to lose us (whether I could trim or not) then offered us $2 per time. We continued working, slowly and gradually getting raises $2 turned into $2.50 then for the past two years he started paying us 5 dollars a lawn! it was soo much better than 1 dollar only a few years before.

I knew that soon he would have to go on his mission and that this business would soon be mine I was secretly waiting for the time. I soon noticed that a lot of the neighborhood boys were talking about starting their own law business. I was getting worried, and on top of that David was telling me that I was not going to do his lawns because I didn't do it good enough and that his clients might not higher him after his mission.

Now that David is on his mission the business fell into My hands. I now work with my brother Andrew and My trimming has improved A LOT! We work more as a partnership than a slavery. We often look at our 9 and 7 year old brothers and laugh that David hired us when we were that age and that he paid us so little for so long. we also get paid allot more than we ever did with David. We haven't had to worry about neighborhood kids stealing our clients. It has been very successful  and we enjoy it

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


when I was a silly little kid :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

My first experience with the boxing glove

I remember the first time I got punched with a boxing glove... it HURT.

One day I was at my cousins house And My  cousins and I figured out there was a little bit of space(about enough for a 7 year old) between the couch's and the wall so we started to go through our ''secret tunnel''  anyways one of my cousins found a boxing glove in our secret tunnel I told her that those weren't even ''hard'' or dangerous( they had like 6 inches of padding in them).
so she asked if she could punch me I told her yes... yup it hurt ... it knocked the wind out of me and from there I never underestimated the boxing glove again.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My basketball blog.

Hello all My loyal followers I recently started a blog just for basketball. so if you don't like basketball I won't post about it here anymore. so come on mitch:) but if you do you should all go over there and follow thanks.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

5 Reasons the jazz will be good.

So the jazz started the season great. went undefeated in the preseason(8 games) went undefeated on a road trip against good teams. So they were really good until they went on another road trip and were winless. and the jazz ended up not making the playoffs so 5 reasons:

1.rookies the jazz have 3 rookies 2 are really good. but derrick favors still has to develop(he's only 19). so they will improve in the offseason.

2.The jazz have three FIRST round draft picks. If they pick wisely we can improve amazingly

3. Trades. The jazz have too many people and need to get rid of some ( memo okur, fez, raja bell. but we need to include our draft picks in trading.

4. Injuries. the Jazz currently have 6 injured players . that's alot so they will heal during the summer.

5.Coach Tyrone Corbin. name me another coach who started in the middle of the season and turned out successful you can't. It takes time for a new coach to change the direction of the team. A new coach is a big deal.

My favorite game this year was when they beat the Lakers in Los Angeles (something they haven't  done in 5 years) nobody expected it. a team that wasn't going to the playoffs with their rookie coach. and Gordon Hayward(a rookie) outplayed Kobe Bryant

This is My second favorite moment when Paul millsap( a BIG forward) scored three 3's in a row to bring the jazz into overtime and the win against Miami(a team who has three all-stars.)

laser pens!

best picture I could find
While I was writing this I realized  that they are called laser pointers. But I'm going to call them laser pens. If some one ever tells you to hold one of these be carefull because you never know if it's one of those things that will shock you.

I'm sure you have seen these. The reason I am discussing this is because I was recently at a ward activity and some little kid was shining his laser pen everywhere and everybody saw it and it bugged the crap out of me. I'm sure you've probably seen these at the theater when some annoying little kid is shining it on the screen.

But once I was the one with it. My friend had about 4 of them and so some of my friends went outside late at night and started to shine them in through the window of the room My brother was in reading a book. Then we went in the house hid behind stuff  and continued shining them on him and he never ever found out who it was.

it was the funniest thing ever so laser pens are so annoying especially when little kids have them.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

home repairs

Home repairs are so stressful because you have to do stuff by hand(Yeah were lazy) so here are all the thing that have broken recently.

Hot water- Recently the hot water in My kitchen sink broke so you would have to climb under the sink and turn the valve if you wanted to use hot water to wash the dishes. And the water would be running full blast the whole time you were doing the dishes. We had to do this for about a month and a half

Dishwasher- our dishwasher broke about... well just along time ago. so we had to do them by hand( this is the same time as our hot water). We finally got a used one from someone in the neighborhood. only to find out that it was dripping water when it was on. So last Thursday My mom got a new(used) one from a friend of hers. that's now in our garage waiting to be putt in. So Now I have three dishwashers in My house... two are broken.

Laundry dryer- I'm not sure how long these are supposed to last but We've been through about three of them in about ten years but the washer has been fine. i guess we should get new appliances next time

Oven- the top oven at my house broke several years ago for about a year so we had to use th bottom oven . But My grandparent's top oven was a little hotter than their bottom so their family bought a new one for them and we got theirs so now our top oven is hotter than normal but is better than nothing.

I've also had about four toasters three blenders three girdles(pancake grill) but our refrigerators and freezers have been fine

I guess we should be grateful for the stuff we have right now and not take it for granted.
comment if your dishwasher has ever broken.

Monday, April 4, 2011


sorry about the horrible picture of My kitchen
So On saturday I made some cookies without a recipe yep WITHOUT A RECIPE! that's pretty crazy and they was the best. So below is what I put in:
2 cubes of butter.
2 cups of brown sugar
1 cup sugar
3 eggs
Mix that together
then I'm not sure what it was but I think it was 1/2 tsp baking soda              
a little bit of salt                                                                                            
a bag of choco chips
and a few cups of flour( till the texture is right.)
so if you want some just feel free to bring me chocolate chips and I will make you some
comment if they look good          .                              

Thursday, March 31, 2011

randum jonny

so in case you saw my randum thought post consider yourself lucky because I had to take It off Because My cousin has a blog about being randum and he didn't like it so haha you can't see my post anymore. but you can see his blog here:


Thursdays are the busiest day of the week for me Because I have to do all of My homework before Friday(in case you didn't know I have school every Friday) that I procrastinated every day. and to beat all of that I have math class:) I love math class. so I have to do homework,practice,do math, and do all of my other day activities. But yes it gets even better My dad doesn't have work on Thursday's so we have to clean all day too.

comment for the post on Thursday for  on Thursday

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


So I have so many followers OK not really but I should have allot because i'm just really cool. When you read my blog you should tell all of your friends to follow and comment so I know I'm not doing this for nobody. and you should all tell me of your blogs if I don't know it. I have heard people go to my blog and then don't do anything about it and just leave. this is SOO wrong. the correct thing to do is to follow  and then comment on every single post.Good... glad we cleared that one up. you  should also go take my quiz if you haven't  just scroll down but don't look at my answers. so what are you waiting for  go tell your grandma and your dog they'd like it.

don't forget to read the blogs on the side.
comment for the arrow actually pointing at the blogs :)

technical difficulties

So recently I have been having technical difficulties with My blog and its so annoying like for instance My music post was supposed to be after my random thought post not quite sure why it was before but it was. And also I posted last week but the only way you could get to it was to go through the  link in your reader  so you couldn't see the post if you went to my homepage:( . So sorry I haven't been posting good lately but I'm going to be better:)

PS.  notice how I used those smiley's? Comment if you noticed the Jonas brothers aren't famous

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Music is basically one of the best things ever. but that depends on the kind of music. Some people like the poppy stuff goin on nowadays but I prefer other stuff. listen to Rebecca black's song below:
What kind of music do you like?

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Alright folks it's the time you've all been waiting for.....and the winner is

A TIE between Andrew and Kathy who each got 5 correct. but anyhow the answers: Spoiler don't look at the answers if you havent't taken it and you want to you can do it here:

#1 e
#6c By the way was in bare feet

Friday, March 18, 2011


Okay so you probably have seen those how well do you know me quizzes on Facebook and if you haven't tried mine please do it. But I'm doing another one here

#1 What kind of car do I like most?
a Ferrari
b Lamborghini
c Porsche
d Lotus
e I don't care about cars.

#2 What kind of martial arts do I take:?
a Judo
b Kung fu
c tae kwon do?
d Karate(not this one!)

Entering the basketball part!

#3 Which list of basketball teams that I don't like is correct
a Lakers,hornets, Dallas,
b Celtics, Memphis, Detroit and spur
c bulls, Cleveland, Miami,
d Houston Indiana,suns and golden state.

#4 Which teams do I like?
a new york new jersey and the jazz
b Denver Houston JAZZ
c JAZZ, Boston,Chicago, Miami,Clippers.
d Orlando, Oklahoma, Atlanta JAZZ

#5Who am I not pleased with being on the jazz team?
a raja bell
b earl Watson
c Mhemot okur
d fez

#6What crazy thing did I do tonight?
a Eat half a gallon of Ice cream
b took a nap
c Run around the block dribbling a basketball?
d work out
e went to the rec center pool

#7When I listen to music what do I look for most?
a vocals
b guitar
c drums
d bass
e keyboardist

#8how much do I weigh right now?
102 and a half

#9 What am I about to do?
a play basketball
b Take a shower
c go to salt lake
d eat Ice cream
e go to bed

alrighty folks put your answers in the comments below And I will post the answers after

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

Scruffy legs

Some people find it funny that I baby sit for people. But It's the best. The following Is a conversation I had with a 3 year old girl I was baby sitting

Girl:Hey you don't have scruffy legs
Me: Scruffy legs?
Girl: Yeah my dad has scruffy legs
Me: oh ... cool
Girl:And he has a spiky chin!

So do you have scruffy legs?